Will the fact that you are determined effect the outcome of a physical confrontation?
First, understand that Interpersonal conflict is toxic. Particularly if you are not accustomed to high levels of conflict and the effect that it can have on you. There is a very strong psychological component to managing combat and more specifically managing yourself in that environment.
It’s not just about the physical fight. It is more about your ability to manage yourself. If you cannot manage The mental, emotional and psychological components you will not be able to actively tap into your physical skill set.
Determination is often confused with resolve. The distinction is that determination is based in emotion. If you are drawing solely from your emotions, you will be found lacking.
Emotions ebb and flow. Emotions dissipate. They dwindle. With fatigue, and pain, you will find yourself searching for a psychological reset. For example, try to set a new personal record with push-ups. As you reach your capacity you will find yourself having to psychologically reset because of the pain and discomfort and fatigue. That ephemeral thing that your mind is searching for, that it is looking to gather, is not more determination. Determination to meet your goals is what put you in the push-up position in the beginning. Your mind is searching for your resolve.
Under severe conditions or extreme combat, determination alone, can reverse itself. Determination can yield to terror and panic.
There is a direct correlate to capacity as it pertains to your internal ability to withstand strife and your external ability to unleash your inner beast and to create havoc.
In my next post I will talk to you about resolve. I would like to hear your thoughts and experiences. I look forward to conversations with each of you.